The Nelon Group brings deep expertise in sales management, business development, and corporate strategy, helping businesses overcome growth challenges. By staying actively engaged, we ensure our clients and their teams stay focused on the best opportunities. Since we don’t sell or promote any specific product or service, we offer unbiased solutions tailored to each client’s needs. Our goal is to create strategies that drive business growth, reaching customers in the most effective way that aligns with your message.
We work with clients to achieve their growth goals, whether it’s restructuring, organizational development, or boosting customer engagement. Our efforts target increasing profitability, driving revenue, securing funding, and enhancing sales and operations. The Nelon Group also leverages the latest trends and opportunities in areas like SaaS, cloud solutions, data analytics, mobile technology, and connected vehicle solutions to keep your business ahead of the curve.
“ Discovery consists of seeing what everybody else has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought. ” — Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi

DeWayne A. Nelon – President

DeWayne Nelon thrives on innovation. He’s built both national and international companies, introducing groundbreaking technologies to the market. Throughout his career, Mr. Nelon has played a key role in major technological shifts across global markets. His unique skill in connecting technology with market opportunities allows him to seize chances others might overlook, helping him clearly communicate his vision to customers, investors, and employees.


DeWayne A. Nelon has held senior executive roles in corporate development and sales at various tech companies and has led several startups in the mobile industry as CEO. Through The Nelon Group and his previous roles, he has raised over $250 Million in Venture Capital investment and secured over $1B in orders.
Mr. Nelon is an amateur astronomer, a passionate golfer, and holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Texas, Dallas.